
獨立遊戲開發者分享會 200301 開放報名!

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獨立遊戲開發者分享會 200301 開放報名!

報名請點此 / Signup here

* English Below *

健全碼農工作坊(Healthy Code Workshop)是《Subnautica》的主程式 Jonas 在近期發起的一個收集共同問題並討論解法的活動,本次分享會將會進行第二次工作坊的內容「持續整合(continuous integration, CI)」,記得帶電腦及手邊的專案過來,並實際應用這次工作坊所談的內容;下面也提供工作坊的 GitHub repo,意者也能先行 clone 下來,現場歡迎踴躍提出進階問題。我們會視情況進行口語翻譯。

工作坊 GitHub repository(第二章翻譯進行中): https://github.com/lumpn/gamedev-workshop/

活動期間由於仍受新型冠狀病毒疫情威脅,到場活動者建議自備口罩,若身體略有不適,請在家好好休息或使用我們的 Twitch 直播頻道參與活動。

Healthy Code Workshop is organized by Jonas Bötel, Lead Programmer of Subnautica, where he collects questions from the audience and find common patterns, and presenting best practices to help them form healthy habits of coding. This is going to be the second physical live coding workshop in the series, introducing and discussing "Continuous Integration" (CI). Bring your laptop, project at hand and your questions!

GitHub repository: https://github.com/lumpn/gamedev-workshop/

Due to the COVID-19 situation is still going on, we urge you to prepare appropriate face masks yourselves before attending. If you have any kind of mild illness, please stay home! We have the Twitch channel exactly for this kind of circumstances. : )