
台北遊戲的俱樂部 每週一次的事件 / Taipei Game Club weekly event

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台北遊戲的俱樂部 每週一次的事件 / Taipei Game Club weekly event


Play, playtest, talk, make, together

I hope, once a week, Thursdays. Watch out as the location may change later.

Play, try to play, chat and create together.

I hope that Once a week, on Thursday. That May Not be the Same place.

I'm Sorry. My Chinese is really bad, TOO.

Updated link! I discovered URL stripping Chinese is not fun.
new link. I found that URL hack China is not fun.


Topic moved -- the 活動訊息(event updates) board is mainly about the events hosted or co-hosted by IGDShare. However you are welcomed to continue the discussion about your playtest & make event here at 資訊交流(info exchange).